Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Guess who is home from BYU Idaho!! ALI! We are glad to have her home from school. We as a team babysat for Tara & Ben while they were away on an Anniversary trip to St. John in the Caribbean. It was one of the hardest things we have done together. My age is definitely catching up with me. There is a reason these babies are called 'Grand'. Ali said she had never been on such a schedule, early rise between 5:30 and 6:00 am, bottle feeding, changing diapers (these boys can mess up a diaper), breakfast, Sesame Street, walks around the neighborhood, going to the splash park, lunches, naps (which were our time to regroup!), snacks, backyard fun with the gym set, slip & slid and baby pool. As you know the list goes on and on into the night. I ask myself, "How does Tara do this?" and the answer is that you mothers out there are YOUNG and are use to the demanding calling of being a Mother. Our week is over and bitter sweet. Tara and Ben were able to come home to find their boys happy and intact - no major injuries or trips to the hospital - Although Ali and I are still recovering. No worries, we will be back to our oldselves in a few days and will want to see these babies probably - tomorrow.......
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TheDaleys said...

Hey! I'm happy to hear you got a little rerun taste of the young mother life. I only have one and I usually ask myself daily "what was I thinking?!".

gigi said...

Glad Ali was home to help you. It's always easier with extra helpers. Young mothers have it tough sometimes. Glad Tara and Ben got away a little bit together. You're a good GA GA.

Tara said...

Hey...THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You are totally the best! Maxton can't stop praying about you. Everyday, twice a day! You're loved!

The Griffis 4 said...

What a good Gma you are! I tell you Im young & sometimes im just like WOW! It can be ALOT to conquer at times, but there only little once. We girls are lucky to have such good moms who will help us out & give us a breather every now & then! KUDO's to FABULOUS Gmas!

UtahGma&Gpa said...

Lori, I keep thinking about you. How are things going in Ohio? We are going to Brunswick the first part of October, for the Kirkland reunion that will be held in Douglas. When are you going, again?

I am feeling better since my surgery, but haven't been able to much. Bret, Ken & Mike's older kids start school, tomorrow. When they start school, they are so busy that I don't get to see them often. The Griffis reunion is coming up! You guys will have to come. Love to all.

UtahGma&Gpa said...

Lori, I hope you read your blog. Just want to wish you, Roger, Ali, Tara, Ben & boys Merry Christmas & A Happy New year!

kanishk said...

I only have one and I usually ask myself daily "what was I thinking?!".
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